Posizioni master / Master Opportunities
Posizioni dottorato / PhD Opportunities
- Master’s internship and PhD proposal: Experimental and/or numerical study of fatigue crack propagation in anisotropic materials13 Settembre 2024 - 19:37
- Posizioni di Dottorato – Structural consolidation interventions using innovative materials for the preservation of historical and monumental masonry buildings23 Giugno 2024 - 22:21
Delft – PhD opportunity
Si segnalano due posizioni PhD aperte a TU Delft
Prof. Pierpaolo Belardinelli (pbelardi@mta01.univpm.it)
PhD opportunity – Minho
The University of Minho will be opening very soon a PhD grant on Computational strategies for masonry structures subjected to high temperatures within the Marie Curie Project ATHOR (http://www.etn-athor.eu/).
The PhD will address couple structural nonlinear mechanics with the thermo- and chemo-fields including viscosity effects for micro- and macro-models based on FE methods.
The final objectives are: a) validate macro-models for different masonry bonds; b) define performance charters for the different masonry bonds, based on advanced micro-models. The models will be implemented in a commercial software, allowing its use by the industrial partners.
At the time of selection by University of Minho, the researcher must not have resided or carried out their main activity in Portugal for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to his/her recruitment. The salary (before taxes) will be in the order of 1.800 euros per month (14 months/year).
If you are interested in this position, please contact asap Dr. Miguel Azenha (miguel.azenha@civil.uminho.pt) for further interaction and information about the release of the official call.
Prof. Paulo B. Lourenço
PhD opportunity – Swansea
Fully Funded PhD Scholarship Experimental Investigations and Modelling of the Anisotropic Viscoelastic behaviours of Soft Tissues (Joint PhD)
Web link: http://www.swansea.ac.uk/postgraduate/scholarships/research/engineering-joint-phd-experimental-investigations.php
Prof. Massimiliano Gei (GeiM@cardiff.ac.uk)