Comunicazioni del presidente
- Premio per la ricerca Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel17 Febbraio 2025 - 18:53
- Festività17 Febbraio 2025 - 18:51
- Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (Asce)17 Febbraio 2025 - 18:50
- Commissioni e Gruppi di Lavoro triennio 2024-202717 Ottobre 2024 - 17:22
Assemblea Generale del 23 gennaio 20245 Dicembre 2023 - 9:54
Assistant professor in Computational Mechanics @ Ecole Centrale de Nantes
Teaching activities
The candidate will teach in the Mechanics, Materials and Civil Engineering (MMGC) department at École Centrale Nantes. He/she will be able to teach all the courses offered: General Engineering, Specialty Engineering, Masters and International Bachelors. The candidate must be able to teach in English.
The person recruited will be involved in the core curriculum of the general engineering course, teaching courses in the mechanics of continuum media and structural mechanics. As part of this same training, he or she will be involved in the Advanced Modelling and Structural Analysis option, teaching subjects related to computational mechanics, particularly in the context of non-linear simulations induced by plasticity, damage, fracture and large deformations, for example.
Research activities
École Centrale de Nantes and the Institut de Recherche en Génie Civil et Mécanique (GeM) wish to strengthen their research activities in the field of computational mechanics, with a particular focus on eco-responsible applications.
Depending on his/her profile, the person recruited will be able to join the following Thematic Research Units (UTR): Couplages et méthodes numériques pour les structures complexes (MECNUM), Mesures, assimilation de données et incertitudes (MELANI). The person recruited will develop predominantly computational research activities that fit in with the research themes of these UTRs.
In particular, the following themes may be mentioned:
· Development of original numerical methods in solid mechanics (enriched finite elements, high-order or isogeometric approaches, particulate approaches for continuous media, phase fields);
· Numerical and experimental approaches to structural failure and damage;
· Model reduction and data assimilation approaches for physics (low-rank approximation, neural networks, data-driven approaches);
· Digital twin and coupled numerical-experimental approaches;
· Numerical approaches for non-linear problems (development of behaviour laws).
The areas of application will be linked to the School’s commitment to respond through research to the challenges of sustainable development. These issues raise new questions, in particular concerning the dimensioning and estimation of the lifespan of structures designed within the framework of a new paradigm of reduced energy consumption and reduced emissions, in which traditional approaches remain limited today. This involves, in particular, the use of recycled materials or low-energy cost products, the control of which is significantly reduced, or the design of architectural materials. Any other relevant issue may also be considered, such as (but not limited to) health, through the development of specific patient models or taking into account mechano-biological aspects.
The candidate will be able to draw on the computing resources available within the laboratory (UAR GLiCID) as well as the GeM’s experimental platforms.
Required skills
The candidate must be capable of providing scientific and administrative leadership for large-scale research and teaching projects. He/she should be able to develop collaborations with other laboratories on the Nantes site.
Keywords: computational mechanics, data assimilation, coupled computational / experimental approaches
Candidates must apply between march 04 and april 04.
Ref. person: Giulio Sciarra
5-year Researcher position at JAMSTEC (Japan), with the possibility of permanent employment after four years
We are recruiting a Researcher to engage in the following areas (but not limited to):
(1) Research and development related to data analysis of macro-micro processes involved in the transport phenomena of heat, matter, energy, and momentum in Marine-Earth science.
(2) Development of a theoretical framework to analyze consistently a series of phenomena, from the fundamental processes of cloud formation and development to macroscale airflow.
(3) Development of data analysis methods to elucidate spatiotemporal hierarchical structures hidden in the output of ultra-high-resolution numerical simulations and observational/experimental data in Marine-Earth science.
Deadline: 22/12/2024
Ref. Ettore Barbieri (
FACULTY POSITIONS in Mechanical Engineering, Cambridge, MA
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Department of Mechanical Engineering (MechE) in Cambridge, MA seeks candidates for tenure-track faculty positions starting July 1, 2025.
Candidates must hold an earned Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering or a related field by the start date of employment.
Additional details attached.
“Maître de conférences” position in Solid Mechanics @Institut d’Alembert (Paris)
Condividiamo l’annuncio di una posizione disponibile come “Maître de conférences” in Meccanica dei Solidi presso l’Istituto d’Alembert (Parigi).
La scadenza per partecipare è il 29 Marzo 2024.
Ulteriore dettagli sono disponibili nell’allegato:
Sito Web dell’annuncio:
Posizione di RTD-B nel settore ICAR/08 a Pisa
Ai colleghi del settore di SdC e a tutti i possibili interessati
Si informa che è stato pubblicato da qualche giorno dall’Università di Pisa un bando per una posizione di RTD-B per il nostro settore. Trovate il bando all’indirizzo seguente:
La scadenza del bando è il prossimo 31 marzo. Si prega di dare alla notizia la massima diffusione.
Roberto Paroni
Two Faculty Positions in Mechanical Engineering at the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
The Institute of Mechanical Engineering invites applications for two faculty positions at the level of tenure track Assistant Professors in the fields of Sustainable Manufacturing and Biomechanics.
Formal evaluation of candidates will begin on December 1st, 2022.
More information in the enclosed attachment:
Posizione RTDA L’Aquila
Il Prof. Angelo Luongo rende noto che presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile-Architettura e Ambientale (DICEAA) dell’Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, è stata bandita una posizione di RTDA (posto B) nel SSD ICAR/08.
Il bando è disponibile all’indirizzo seguente:
Le tematiche di ricerca del posto B, a cui il bando fa riferimento, riguardano: (1) lo sviluppo di modelli fisico-matematici e l’implementazione di algoritmi numerico/perturbativi per l’analisi della risposta di strutture complesse e di interesse dell’Ingegneria Civile, in ambito statico e dinamico, lineare e non lineare; (2) lo sviluppo di modelli fisico-matematici finalizzati alla caratterizzazione del comportamento meccanico di materiali innovativi per l’edilizia e per le infrastrutture; (3) l’analisi di stabilità e di biforcazione di sistemi meccanici non lineari, sollecitati da azioni di tipo conservativo e non conservativo; (4) lo sviluppo di sistemi di controllo passivo delle oscillazioni.
La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è fissata al 30/06/2022.