I soci della SISCo possono chiedere la pubblicazione di annunci di eventi ed altre iniziative utilizzando l’apposito modulo disponibile nell’area riservata socio previa autenticazione mediante le proprie credenziali.

Session: Multiscale and Multifield Modeling of Composites: from Atomic to Continuum Scale – 10th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, Baltimore

Abstract: Predicting effective mechanical properties of composite materials and structures remains one of the major challenges in the field of multiscale modeling. The mechanical response and damage behavior at higher length scales are deeply influenced by processes at lower length scales, governed by the interaction among the composite constituents (matrix, fibers, laminae, interphases, etc.). Moreover, while […]

PhD Course @ Sapienza

Patrizia Trovalusci infoma che nell'ambito del Dottorato di Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica - Sapienza Università di Roma, nei giorni 19,21,23 ottobre 2020  si terrà in modalità telematica il CORSO Seismic Safety and Sustainability: New Generation of Low Damage Systems in Prefabricated Concrete or Laminated Wood, tenuto dal Prof. Stefano Pampanin (Sapienza Università di Roma). I dettagli del corso […]

Second Nanomaterials Webinar 2020 – Advanced Mechanical Modeling of Nanomaterials and Nanostructures II

In line with the interests of the Special issue (SI) “Advanced mechanical Modeling of Nanomaterials and Nanostructures”, the present webinars will focus on the theoretical and numerical modeling of heterogeneous materials and enhanced structures, whose response could be affected by staking sequences, ply orientations, agglomeration of nanoparticles, volume fractions of the constituents and porosity levels. […]

SU-IMC Thematic Webinar Series: Mechanics of Arbitrarily Shaped Doubly-Curved Shell Structures Made of Anisotropic and Advanced Materials Using Higher-order Strong and Weak Formulations


In a context where the mechanical modelling of composite materials at different scales requires an increased accuracy in many engineering problems and applications, e.g., aerospace components, aircrafts, boat hulls and sails, car bodies, long span roofs, as well as electronic devices, and drones, this work offers an overview of different theoretical and numerical models developed […]

PhD course in Nonlinear Solid Mechanics (online) @ PoliMi

Polimi, PhD School in Structural, Earthquake and Geotechnical Engineering

A PhD course in "Nonlinear Solid Mechanics" will be delivered online (Zoom channel) by Anna Pandolfi in the period November 9-November 24 2020. The course is open to all the interested PhD students . Potential attendees are invited to confirm their attendance to anna.pandolfi@polimi.it  by November 10 2020. Overview. Rigorous introduction to nonlinear solid mechanics, addressing finite kinematics, material frame indifference, […]


Polimi, PhD School in Structural, Earthquake and Geotechnical Engineering

The course, open to all the interested PhD students, will be delivered online in the period November 18-December 09 2020. Classes will be delivered online in English (Microsoft Teams), on November 18, 25, 26, 30, December 03, 09/2020 (see flyer for complete schedule). Topics: Well posedness and stability in linear elasticity finite element models, Nonlinear […]

Corso di dottorato Prof. Amorosi – Una introduzione alla meccanica dei terreni – Sapienza Università di Roma


Nei giorni 9-10-11 dicembre 2020 si svolgerà il CORSO - Una introduzione alla meccanica dei terreni, tenuto dal Prof. Angelo Amorosi, membro del Collegio dei Docenti del Dottorato DISG, Sapienza Università di Roma. Il corso si terrà da remoto tramite l'applicazione Google Meet (o in caso di un numero superiore a 100 partecipanti, tramite Zoom). […]

Online workshop of the EWG-IE 2020 meeting (EWG-IE) “Innovative numerical methods for internal erosion processes” co-organized by Politecnico Milano e Università del Molise.


The various forms, localized and diffuse, of internal erosion are considered. Contributions on non-conventional numerical approaches are encouraged, possibly able to account for the coupled hydro-mechanical response, a multi-scale viewpoint, the multi-phase nature, etc. (please see the attached flyer). Expressions of interest in contributing with a presentation can be sent until December 10th, with a 1-page […]

1st Winter School on  Trends on Additive Manufacturing for Engineering Applications 

Polytechnic University of Timisoara (UPT)  Timisoara, Romania

The aim of the Winter School on Trends on Additive Manufacturing for Engineering Applications is to involve PhDs and young researchers in the field of AM with an engineering perspective. The winter school will consider both scientific aspects concerning AM as well as soft skills in research, such as scientific and grant proposal writing, gender aspects, etc. Practical sessions […]

PhD Course “Estimates of probabilities of extreme rare events” by Mircea Gregoriu @ UniPG

Campus of Engineering of University of Perugia, Room 1 (CEEPhD Team)

Massimiliano Gioffrè  informa che il Prof. Dr. Mircea Dan Grigoriu (Cornell University, USA) terrà dal 25 al 30 gennaio 2021 un ciclo di lezioni su "Estimates of probabilities of extreme rare events" nell'ambito del Dottorato Internazionale in "Civil and environmental engineering - XXXVI Ciclo" dell'Università degli Studi di Perugia. Le lezioni si svolgeranno sulla piattaforma […]