I soci della SISCo possono chiedere la pubblicazione di annunci di eventi ed altre iniziative utilizzando l’apposito modulo disponibile nell’area riservata socio previa autenticazione mediante le proprie credenziali.

EMI IC 2023 – Mini-Symposia and Session – Call for Proposals  

Save the Date: 27-30 August and Join us at the Engineering Mechanics Institute International Conference 2023 (EMI IC 2023)—the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) international annual mechanics conference. This conference will be hosted at University of Palermo, Italy, with organization led by Professors Massimo Midiri and Antonina Pirrotta.  The conference will provide a forum for researchers […]

Mini-Symposium “MS16 – Multiscale Mechanics and Nanostructures”


Mini-Symposium "MS16 - Multiscale Mechanics and Nanostructures" organized by GAMeN within the Engineering Mechanics Institute International Conference 2023 (EMI IC 2023). The Conference will be hosted at University of Palermo, August 27-30, 2023. A more complete description of the Mini-Symposium MS16 can be found at the link: https://www.emi2023ic.com/index.php/general-session-mini-symposia/41-mini-symposia/289-ms16-multiscale-mechanics-and-nanostructures

EMI IC 2023 – MS03 – Damaged elements and structures: models, resolution techniques, detection devices, experimental approaches


Dear Friends and Colleagues, We are pleased to invite you to the Mini-Symposium "MS03 - Damaged elements and structures: models, resolution techniques, detection devices, experimental approaches" organized by Giuseppe Ruta and Uğurcan Eroğlu within the Engineering Mechanics Institute International Conference 2023  - EMI IC 2023. The Conference will be hosted at University of Palermo, August 27-30, 2023. The […]

16th International Conference on Wind Engineering – ICWE 16

Palazzo dei Congressi di Firenze - Villa Vittoria Piazza Adua, 1, Firenze, FI, Italia

The 16th International Conference on Wind Engineering (ICWE 16) will be held in Florence, Italy, from 27 to 31 August 2023 under the auspices of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering (ANIV), of the University of Florence (through the CRIACIV research Center) and in cooperation with AIM Group Int. (Florence office). Abstract submission will be […]

MS “Damage identification in advanced materials” – PCM-CMM 2023

Gliwice, Polonia

The PCM-CMM 2023 - 5th Polish Congress of Mechanics - 25th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics will be held in Gliwice, Poland, from 4 to 7 September 2023. Within the Conference, a Minisymposium titled "Damage identification in advanced materials" will be organised. The minisymposium covers the newest outcomes and trends in the detection, […]


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech Edifici Vèrtex, Plaça d'Eusebi Güell, 6, Barcellona 08034 Spagna

The Minisymposium is organized within the XVII International Conference COMPLAS 2023 in Barcelona, Spain. Please refer to MS 701. Interested speakers can send email to valentina.salomoni@unipd.it In recent years, the topic of ductile damage has been widely investigated, leading to the development of theoretical and numerical models that incorporate the effects of stress triaxiality and Lode […]

Convegno GADeS 2023

Piazza San Basilio Monastero San Basilio, L'Aquila 67100

Si annuncia che il Convegno del Gruppo AIMETA "Dinamica e Stabilità" GADeS 2023 si terrà a L'Aquila nei giorni 11-12 settembre 2023. La partecipazione è libera, senza quota di iscrizione. I sommari delle presentazioni devono essere inviati entro il 31 marzo 2023 all’indirizzo email gades2023aq@gmail.com Il template e tutte le informazioni (in italiano e in inglese) […]

Scuola estiva Iuav-LabSCo 2023

LabSCo, Venezia (Mestre); Villa Nani Mocenigo, Canda (Rovigo) Italia Map It

Il Laboratorio di Scienza delle Costruzioni dell’Università Iuav di Venezia organizza una scuola estiva dedicata a ‘Teorie e tecniche non distruttive per la conoscenza e l’interpretazione del comportamento e verifica della vulnerabilità dei monumenti e delle strutture storiche’. La scuola ha lo scopo di approfondire le più recenti tecniche non distruttive per la conoscenza dei […]