I soci della SISCo possono chiedere la pubblicazione di annunci di eventi ed altre iniziative utilizzando l’apposito modulo disponibile nell’area riservata socio previa autenticazione mediante le proprie credenziali.

Seminario Professor Dabiao Liu

DICATAM dell'Universita' degli Studi di Brescia via Branze 38, Brescia, Italia

Si informa che in data 4 Luglio 2019, alle ore 10:30, presso l'aula Seminari del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Architettura, Territorio, Ambiente e di Matematica (DICATAM) dell'Universita' degli Studi di Brescia, il professor Dabiao Liu, del Department of Mechanics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Cina, terra' il seminario Anomalous plasticity in the torsion […]

Corso Dottorato Professor Guido Buresti

DICCA, Universita' di Genova Via Montallegro 1, Genova, Italia

The PhD course Time-frequency analysis of signals and examples of application by Professor Guido Buresti will take place at DICCA, University of Genoa, from July 9 to July 11, 2019. The main aim of this short PhD course is to describe the peculiar aspects of the time-frequency analysis of signals, providing the students with the […]

Short Course on Experimental Techniques and Testing of Composite Materials

Padova Universita' degli Studi, Italia

The second edition of the Short Course on Experimental Techniques and Testing of Composite Materials will be organized by the Department of Management and Engineering  - University of Padova in Vicenza (Italy). The first announcement can be dowloaded here: http://static.gest.unipd.it/damageschool2019/data/uploads/damageschool19_announcement.pdf

Seminario Rebecca Napolitano

Dipartimento di Architettura, Universita' di Ferrara Via Quartieri 8, Ferrara, Italia

Si informa che Giovedi' 11 Luglio 2019, alle ore 10:30, presso il Dipartimento di Architettura dell'Universita' di Ferrara, Rebecca Napolitano terra' un seminario dal titolo Integrative methods for diagnostics of historic structures Maggiori dettagli nel Flyer.

Seminario Professor Brice Lecampion

DICATAM dell'Universita' degli Studi di Brescia via Branze 38, Brescia, Italia

Si informa che in data 11 Luglio 2019, alle ore 11:00, presso l'aula Seminari del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Architettura, Territorio, Ambiente e di Matematica (DICATAM) dell'Università di Brescia, il professor Brice Lecampion dell'EPFL di Losanna terra' il seminario Hydraulic fracture growth in transversely isotropic rocks L'abstract nel pdf allegato.  

International Summer School on Fatigue and Damage Mechanics of Composite Materials

Padova Universita' degli Studi, Italia

The second edition of the International Summer School on Fatigue and Damage Mechanics of Composite Material will be organized by the Department of Management and Engineering  - University of Padova in Vicenza (Italy). The first announcement can be dowloaded here: http://static.gest.unipd.it/damageschool2019/data/uploads/damageschool19_announcement.pdf

Summer School DISS Mineral-bonded composites for enhanced structural impact safety

Institute of Construction Materials Technische Universität, Dresden, Germania

The Dresden International Summer School on "Mineral-bonded composites for enhanced structural impact safety" will take place on July 14-19, 2019, at the Technische Universität Dresden. Well-qualified master and PhD students are encouraged to apply for participation in the Summer School by April 15, 2019. The applications will be reviewed by a jury at the TU […]

ANCRiSST 2019 14th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structural Technologies

Sapienza Università di Roma - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Via Eudossiana, 18, Roma, RM, Italia

The 14th ANCRiSST Workshop, International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structural Technologies, will be held at the Sapienza University of Rome on July 18-21, 2019.  The second announcement and call for paper is attached. Deadline for abstracts is 15th March 2019.   For further information: Visit the website or email ancrisst2019@desdemonaproject.eu

ICSA2019 – 4th International Conference on Structures and Architecture

Lisbona Lisbon, Portogallo

The 4th International Conference on Structures and Architecture will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, July 24-26, 2019. This is the world's leading and largest global conference bridging the gap between Structures and Architecture. The contributions on creative and scientific aspects in the conception and construction of structures, on advanced technologies and on complex architectural and […]

ICSA2019 – Special Session Shell structures under vibration

Lisbona Lisbon, Portogallo

Dear Colleague, we are delighted to invite you to submit an Abstract for the Special Session Shell structures under vibration. We will organize this session at the next ICSA 2019 - 4th International Conference on Structures and Architecture, that will be held July 24-26th 2019, LISBON, Portugal. The abstract submission deadline is March 31st 2018. […]