I soci della SISCo possono chiedere la pubblicazione di annunci di eventi ed altre iniziative utilizzando l’apposito modulo disponibile nell’area riservata socio previa autenticazione mediante le proprie credenziali.

DM2019 – Direct Methods: Methodological Progress and Engineering Applications

Cracovia Cracow, Polonia

DM2019 - Direct Methods: Methodological Progress and Engineering Applications Tuesday-Wednesday 10-11 September 2019. Cracow, Poland. Exceptionally, this workshop will be under the auspices of the joint 4-th Polish Congress of Mechanics and the 23-rd International  Conference on Computer Methods (PCM-CMM) which takes place during the week 8-12 September 2019. Abstract deadline: 15/05/2019 Notification of abstract […]

ESB-ITA – IX Meeting Annuale

Monastero di San Giovanni in Monte Piazza San Giovanni in Monte, Bologna, Italia

Il IX Meeting annuale dell’ESB-ITA si terrà a Bologna dal 30 settembre al 1 ottobre 2019. Il simposio tematico verterà sull’In Silico Trials, mentre il general meeting raccoglierà lo stato dell’arte della ricerca biomeccanica in Italia.  La deadline per la sottomissione dell’abstract è il 30 aprile 2019.  I migliori lavori saranno pubblicati su uno special issue di Medical […]

Workshop Validation of Computational Mechanics Models

Great hall in the Guild House of Carpenters Zurich, Switzerland

The Fourth International Workshop on Validation of Computational Mechanics Models will take place on  November 5th, 2019 at the Rosser Zunftsaal, Zunfthaus zur Zimmerleuten (Great hall in the Guild House of Carpenters) in Zurich, Switzerland. The workshop includes significant discussion periods on issues associated with establishing confidence and credibility in simulation results generated using computational […]

Workshop, RAM3, Recent Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics of Materials — 2nd International Meeting of Young Researchers

The Workshop RAM3 brings together young and distinguished scientists working at the intersection between mechanics and mathematics, for a three days event in Rome. The main focus of the workshop is on solid mechanics and its applications to material modelling, structural theories and multiphysics coupling. During the workshop four keynote lectures will be delivered by […]

9th Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing (REC2020)

Taormina , Italia

The 9th Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing (REC2020) will be held in Taormina, Italy, from 17 to 20 May 2020. Chairs: Giuseppe Muscolino, University of Messina, Italy (e-mail: gmuscolino@unime.it) Alba Sofi, University “Mediterranea” of Reggio Calabria (e-mail: alba.sofi@unirc.it) Conference website: http://rec2020.org Abstract: The theme of REC2020 is “Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Computations”. Covering a […]

1st Italian Workshop on Shell and Spatial Structures – IWSS2020

Description The workshop offers lectures pertaining to the design, modelling, analysis, construction, and other aspects of the technology of all types of shell and spatial structures. Including tension and membrane structures, framed and lattice structures, gridshells and active-bending structures, shell roofs, tensegrity structures, pneumatic and inflatable structures, active and deployable structures, concrete, metal, timber and […]

EWSHM 2020 10th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring

Universita degli Studi di Palermo - Scuola Politecnica Viale delle Scienze, Palermo, Italia

Abstract: This Workshop represents a forum where experts from around the world discuss the latest advancements and breakthroughs in the field of SHM and more broadly in the fields of nondestructive evaluation, smart materials and intelligent systems. The Workshop fosters the discussion and identification of key and emerging challenges and opportunities in research, development, and […]

1st Workshop on Structural Integrity of Additively Manufactured Materials (SIAMM20)

Polytechnical University of Timisoara (UPT)

The workshop on Structural Integrity of Additively Manufactured Materials (SIAMM20, Timisoara, 28-29 Aug. 2020),  is one of the main activities of the European Project SIRAMM, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020, H2020-WIDESPREAD-2018-03. The participation to the workshop is free Abstract The aim of the workshop is to promote international collaboration and share the current knowledge on the […]

Online workshop of the EWG-IE 2020 meeting (EWG-IE) “Innovative numerical methods for internal erosion processes” co-organized by Politecnico Milano e Università del Molise.


The various forms, localized and diffuse, of internal erosion are considered. Contributions on non-conventional numerical approaches are encouraged, possibly able to account for the coupled hydro-mechanical response, a multi-scale viewpoint, the multi-phase nature, etc. (please see the attached flyer). Expressions of interest in contributing with a presentation can be sent until December 10th, with a 1-page […]

Incontri GBMA (Gruppo Biomeccanica Aimeta)

Giuseppe Vairo informa dell’incontro a carattere seminariale organizzato dal Gruppo di Biomeccanica Aimeta per il 4 Febbraio 2021. L’intento è quello di promuovere -in questo periodo complicato e di difficile socialità- una qualche disseminazione delle attività in corso sulle tematiche di interesse della nostra comunità e soprattutto di dare ai più giovani l’opportunità formativa di […]