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RAMSS2019 Simposio in onore del 60° compleanno di Davide Bigoni

Palazzo della Provincia (Sala Belli) Piazza Dante 15, Trento, Italia

Si informa che il 6 e 7 giugno 2019 si terrà a Trento il Simposio Internazionale RAMSS2019 - Recent Advances In Solid and Structural Mechanics in onore del 60° compleanno di Davide Bigoni. Gli speakers dell'evento saranno: Basile Audoly, Ferdinando Auricchio, Mattia Bacca, Katia Bertoldi, Federico Bosi, Michele Brun, Alberto Corigliano, Antonio deSimone, Walter Drugan, […]

First Sino-Italian Workshop on Biomechanics

Auditorium Antonianum Viale Manzoni 1, Roma, Italia

The Chinese and Italian Societies of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, CSTAM and AIMETA, promote the first Sino-Italian workshop on Biomechanics to bring together researchers with a variety of backgrounds to foster discussion, to exchange ideas, and to team up for addressing grand challenge problems in Biomechanics. Contributions from researchers from all over the world are […]

ANCRiSST 2019 14th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structural Technologies

Sapienza Università di Roma - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Via Eudossiana, 18, Roma, RM, Italia

The 14th ANCRiSST Workshop, International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structural Technologies, will be held at the Sapienza University of Rome on July 18-21, 2019.  The second announcement and call for paper is attached. Deadline for abstracts is 15th March 2019.   For further information: Visit the website or email ancrisst2019@desdemonaproject.eu

Workshop The Mechanics of Cell Aggregates: Experiments and Models

Politecnico di Torino

Nei giorni 3-6 settembre 2019 si terrà al Politecnico di Torino un workshop dedicato a The Mechanics of Cell Aggregates: Experiments and Models L'incontro vedrà la partecipazione di sperimentali e teorici che studiano i materiali molli attivi, in particolare gli aggregati cellulari quali embrioni, sferoidi tumorali, monolayer cellulari. In tutti questi sistemi la meccanica dei […]

15th ICOLD Benchmark Workshop

Politecnico di Milano

Il Comitato Tecnico ICOLD Computational Aspects of Analysis and Design of Dams informa che  dal 9 all'11 settembre 2019 si terrà presso il Politecnico di Milano il 15th ICOLD Benchmark Workshop sull'analisi numerica delle dighe. Il Benchmark Workshop sarà organizzato da ITCOLD in collaborazione con il Consiglio Nazionale degli Ingegneri, il Politecnico di Milano e […]

DM2019 – Direct Methods: Methodological Progress and Engineering Applications

Cracovia Cracow, Polonia

DM2019 - Direct Methods: Methodological Progress and Engineering Applications Tuesday-Wednesday 10-11 September 2019. Cracow, Poland. Exceptionally, this workshop will be under the auspices of the joint 4-th Polish Congress of Mechanics and the 23-rd International  Conference on Computer Methods (PCM-CMM) which takes place during the week 8-12 September 2019. Abstract deadline: 15/05/2019 Notification of abstract […]

ESB-ITA – IX Meeting Annuale

Monastero di San Giovanni in Monte Piazza San Giovanni in Monte, Bologna, Italia

Il IX Meeting annuale dell’ESB-ITA si terrà a Bologna dal 30 settembre al 1 ottobre 2019. Il simposio tematico verterà sull’In Silico Trials, mentre il general meeting raccoglierà lo stato dell’arte della ricerca biomeccanica in Italia.  La deadline per la sottomissione dell’abstract è il 30 aprile 2019.  I migliori lavori saranno pubblicati su uno special issue di Medical […]

Workshop Validation of Computational Mechanics Models

Great hall in the Guild House of Carpenters Zurich, Switzerland

The Fourth International Workshop on Validation of Computational Mechanics Models will take place on  November 5th, 2019 at the Rosser Zunftsaal, Zunfthaus zur Zimmerleuten (Great hall in the Guild House of Carpenters) in Zurich, Switzerland. The workshop includes significant discussion periods on issues associated with establishing confidence and credibility in simulation results generated using computational […]

Workshop, RAM3, Recent Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics of Materials — 2nd International Meeting of Young Researchers

The Workshop RAM3 brings together young and distinguished scientists working at the intersection between mechanics and mathematics, for a three days event in Rome. The main focus of the workshop is on solid mechanics and its applications to material modelling, structural theories and multiphysics coupling. During the workshop four keynote lectures will be delivered by […]

9th Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing (REC2020)

Taormina , Italia

The 9th Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing (REC2020) will be held in Taormina, Italy, from 17 to 20 May 2020. Chairs: Giuseppe Muscolino, University of Messina, Italy (e-mail: gmuscolino@unime.it) Alba Sofi, University “Mediterranea” of Reggio Calabria (e-mail: alba.sofi@unirc.it) Conference website: http://rec2020.org Abstract: The theme of REC2020 is “Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Computations”. Covering a […]