I soci della SISCo possono chiedere la pubblicazione di annunci di eventi ed altre iniziative utilizzando l’apposito modulo disponibile nell’area riservata socio previa autenticazione mediante le proprie credenziali.

Second Nanomaterials Webinar 2020 – Advanced Mechanical Modeling of Nanomaterials and Nanostructures II

In line with the interests of the Special issue (SI) “Advanced mechanical Modeling of Nanomaterials and Nanostructures”, the present webinars will focus on the theoretical and numerical modeling of heterogeneous materials and enhanced structures, whose response could be affected by staking sequences, ply orientations, agglomeration of nanoparticles, volume fractions of the constituents and porosity levels. […]

SU-IMC Thematic Webinar Series: Mechanics of Arbitrarily Shaped Doubly-Curved Shell Structures Made of Anisotropic and Advanced Materials Using Higher-order Strong and Weak Formulations


In a context where the mechanical modelling of composite materials at different scales requires an increased accuracy in many engineering problems and applications, e.g., aerospace components, aircrafts, boat hulls and sails, car bodies, long span roofs, as well as electronic devices, and drones, this work offers an overview of different theoretical and numerical models developed […]

Webinar “On the compact wave dynamics of tensegrity metamaterials” by Fernando Fraternali


Date:02 March 2021 Time: 2-3 pm, London time Location: WebEx (no registration required) – click on the link : https://meta-mat.org/seminar/ Abstract: A research subject attracting remarkable attention from many areas of engineering concerns the use of noninvasive tools to target defects in materials, as well as devices for monitoring structural health in materials and structures. Most of current methods […]

PRIN2015 METAMATERIALS WEBINARS – seminar by Massimo Ruzzene

Università di Ferrara - Evento online

Elena Benvenuti segnala la seguente iniziativa: Webinar: "Quasi-crystalline Structural Composites: higher-order symmetries and vibration localization". Prof. Massimo Ruzzene Aperto a tutti su piattaforma gotomeeting. Locandina: abstract_ruzzene  

Seminario Prof. Sylwester SAMBORSKI

Su richiesta di Paolo Valvo si diffonde la seguente iniziativa: Prof. Sylwester SAMBORSKI, DSc PhD Eng, Associate Professor at Lublin University of Technology, Poland, and Visiting Fellow at the University of Pisa, Italy, will give a seminar titled Finite Element Analysis of Interlaminar Crack Propagation in CFRP Laminates with Elastic Couplings The seminar will be […]

PRIN2015 Metamaterials Webinars – Online seminar by Federico Bosia

Si comunica che il venerdì 11 giugno Federico Bosia terrà un webinar dal titolo: "Elastic metamaterials for multiscale applications, from seismic shields to nondestructive testing". Abstract: Elastic-metamaterials-for-multiscale-applications Link: https://www.gotomeet.me/VirtualRoom-8/prin2015-metamaterials-webinars

Lecture series at the University of Salerno by Graeme W. Milton 

Fernando Fraternali e Ada Amendola informano della seguente iniziativa: Lecture series at the University of Salerno by Graeme W. Milton  (https://www.math.utah.edu/~milton/). Workshop Innovative Mechanical Metamaterials organized within the Prin 2017 Project “Multiscale Innovative Materials and Structures” July 8, 2021,  Cetus Hotel, Cetara (Salerno) 11.30-12.30 Cloaking: where science meets science fiction https://zoom.us/j/93434117624?pwd=RUxqUlRrZ1krbi9pOHp4aG5BSTUvQT09 Local organizer: Fernando Fraternali Email contact: f.fraternali@unisa.it Short […]

Seminario Prof. Konrad DADEJ

Università di Pisa - Scuola di Ingegneria Largo Lucio Lazzarino, Pisa, PI, Italia

Su richiesta di Paolo S. Valvo si diffonde la seguente iniziativa: Dr. Konrad DADEJ, Lecturer at Lublin University of Technology, Poland, and Visiting Fellow at the University of Pisa, Italy, will give a seminar titled Modeling of fatigue crack growth in hybrid fiber metal laminates The seminar will be offered through Microsoft Teams at the […]