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Doctoral course “Plasticity” by Massimiliano Lucchesi & Nicola Zani

DICEA, Università degli Studi di Firenze International Doctorate in Civil and Environmental Engineering Doctoral course "Plasticity" Prof. Massimiliano Lucchesi & Prof. Nicola Zani For further info: dott-dicea@unifi.it Programme:programme-phd-course-2021-Lucchesi_Zani

Corso di dottorato: “Direct and Inverse Dynamic Problems in Random Vibrations”

Nell'ambito del Dottorato di Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica, Sapienza Università di Roma, nei giorni 7-8 giugno 2021, dalle ore 10:00 alle ore 13:00, si terrà il CORSO - "Direct and Inverse Dynamic Problems in Random Vibrations", tenuto dal Prof. Luca Caracoglia, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Il corso si terrà […]

Online PhD course @UniPR: Limit analysis of solids and structures

Il Prof. Spagnoli terrà un corso di dottorato dal titolo: "Limit analysis of solids and structures", con la partecipazione dei proff. Pisano (UniRC), Ferrari e Cornaggia (UniBG). La scadenza per l'iscrizione è il 7 giugno. Dettagli e modalità di registrazione nella locandina allegata. Locandina: LimitAnalysis_Spagnoli_UniPR-June2021

Lecture series at the University of Salerno by Graeme W. Milton 

Fernando Fraternali e Ada Amendola informano della seguente iniziativa: Lecture series at the University of Salerno by Graeme W. Milton  (https://www.math.utah.edu/~milton/). Workshop Innovative Mechanical Metamaterials organized within the Prin 2017 Project “Multiscale Innovative Materials and Structures” July 8, 2021,  Cetus Hotel, Cetara (Salerno) 11.30-12.30 Cloaking: where science meets science fiction https://zoom.us/j/93434117624?pwd=RUxqUlRrZ1krbi9pOHp4aG5BSTUvQT09 Local organizer: Fernando Fraternali Email contact: f.fraternali@unisa.it Short […]

Summer School “Tensor Analysis with Applications in Continuum Mechanics” by Victor A. Emereyev

DICAAR, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Via Marengo 2 Cagliari 09123 Italia

Mario Spagnuolo informa della seguente iniziativa: Summer School “Tensor Analysis with Applications in Continuum Mechanics” by Prof. Victor A.Eremeyev This course, about 28 hours, aims to provide a short but comprehensive introduction into direct (index-free) tensor calculus together with a few applications in Continuum Mechanics. Announcement:announce-summer-school-EREMEYEV

Corso di dottorato: “Ultrasonic wave propagation in solid media with applications to stress monitoring, imaging and materials characterization” by Annamaria Pau

Nell'ambito del Dottorato di Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica, Sapienza Università di Roma, nei giorni 21-22-23 luglio 2021, dalle ore 15:00 alle ore 17:00, si terrà il CORSO - "Ultrasonic wave propagation in solid media with applications to stress monitoring, imaging and materials characterization", tenuto dal Prof. Annamaria Pau, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica, Sapienza Università […]

Particles Course 2021

Hamburg, Germany

Massimiliano Cremonesi informa della seguente iniziativa: Short Course on Particle-Based Methods in Engineering and Applied Science Announcement The Short Course on Particle-Based Methods in Engineering and Applied Science will be held in Hamburg, Germany, on 2-3 October, 2021. Given the current circumstances, it will be possible to attend the course either in-presence or online. The course […]

CISM Course Computational Mechanics for Novel Designs of Advanced Materials

Michele Marino segnala la seguente iniziativa: Course on computational approaches for the analysis of the mechanics of materials. Lecturers: Marc Geers, Michele Marino, Jörg Schröder, Ole Sigmund, Stanislaw Stupkiewicz, Peter Wriggers. Announcement:532_c2117_hybrid  

PhD Course Nonlinear Solid Mechanics

Politecnico di Milano, various room / online Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32 MI Italia Map It

Anna Pandolfi informa della seguente iniziativa. PhD Course: An Introduction to Nonlinear Solid Mechanics The course, open to all the interested PhD students, will be delivered online by Anna Pandolfi in the period November 2-November 10, 2021. PhD Course Nonlinear Solid Mechanics Overview. Rigorous introduction to nonlinear solid mechanics, especially addressing finite kinematics, material frame […]