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PhD Courses @ DICCA – University of Genoa

DICCA, Universita' di Genova Via Montallegro 1, Genova, Italia

Abstract: "Perturbation Methods 1 & 2" are introductory courses in the use of perturbation methods for the solution of simple fluid dynamics and structural mechanics problems. "Hydrodynamic stability" is a […]

Course “Damage and Collisions” by Michel Frémond

Meeting room, 2nd floor side A, building Civil Engineering University of Rome Tor Vergata - via del Politecnico 1, 00133 Rome

Abstract A mechanical structure can be damaged suddenly, for instance by a collision or an explosion. It can be smoothly and progressively damaged by mechanical or chemical actions. We address […]


Sede scientifica di Ingegneria, campus universitario, Univ. di Parma

Si comunica che il 3 marzo 2020 avrà inizio il corso di dottorato "Introduction to non-linear problems in mechanics", tenuto dal Prof. Roberto Brighenti presso  la sede scientifica di Ingegneria, […]

Summer School on Historic Masonry Structures

Convitto Principe di Piemonte di Anagni Frosinone

Masonry structures represent the vast majority of World's architectural heritage. Traditional building rules have been almost forgetten, but understanding construction techniques and structural behaviour of historical constructions is a key […]


CISM, Udine, Italy

Il Prof. Giuseppe Rega informa che dal 13 al 17 luglio si il CISM ospiterà la scuola: CISM-AIMETA Advanced School "EXPLOITING THE USE OF STRONG NONLINEARITY IN DYNAMICS AND ACOUSTICS" […]

PhD Course by Michele Marino @Roma TRE

Title "Automated Computational Modelling in Mechanics” tenuto dal Prof. Michele Marino (Università di Roma Tor Vergata) e organizzato nell’ambito del Dottorato di Ricerca di Ingegneria Civile dell’Università di Roma Tre […]