I soci della SISCo possono chiedere la pubblicazione di annunci di eventi ed altre iniziative utilizzando l’apposito modulo disponibile nell’area riservata socio previa autenticazione mediante le proprie credenziali.

CMCS – Computational Modeling of Complex Materials across the Scales

Glasgow , United Kingdom

The international ECCOMAS Thematic Conference Computational Modeling of Complex Materials across the Scales (CMCS) will take place on 1-4 October 2019 in Glasgow, UK. The objective of CMCS is to elucidate cutting-edge developments in multi-scale computational modelling of complex materials, possessing distinct fine-scale structure and/or exhibiting coupled phenomena. Particular emphasis is on emergent coarse-scale behaviour due to […]

Form and Force 2019 – IASS Symposium 2019 – Structural Membranes 2019

Barcelona , Spagna

Jount Conference: Form and Force - IASS Symposium 2019 - Structural Membranes 20197-10 October 2019, Barcelona, Spain Abstract invitation for the "Session Actual Structural Behavior of Form Found and Analytical Thin Shells" (IASS WG5) - Session Code 67NEW DEADLINE EXTENSION: This is to inform you that due to different requests, the deadline for presenting a one page abstract has been extended to March, […]

CoRASS 2019 – 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Nonlinear Models-design, Resilience and Rehabilitation of Structures

Coimbra , Portogallo

The 3rd edition of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Nonlinear Models-design, Resilience and Rehabilitation of Structures (CoRASS 2019) will take place on 16 - 18 October 2019 in Coimbra, Portugal. Previous meetings of Recent Advances in Nonlinear Models-design of structures conferences were supported by the University of Coimbra as CoRAN2011, REHABSTRUCTURES2015 and CoRASS2017. These conferences had a high […]

PARTICLES 2019 – VI International Conference on Particle-Based Methods

Barcelona , Spagna

The VI International Conference on Particle-Based Methods (PARTICLES 2019) will be organised on 28-30 October, 2019, Barcelona, Spain Scientists of international prestige in the field of the conference have confirmed their participation as Plenary Lecturers. These lectures will be complemented by Invited Sessions organized by recognized experts in targeted research areas. Submission of abstracts: Authors […]

CMIS2020 – 10th Contact Mechanics International Symposium – POSTPONED TO MAY 2022

Hotel Prealpina Route de Chardonne 35, Lavaux, Svizzera

UPDATE: The event has been postponed to May 2022. See email below. The 10th edition of the Contact Mechanics International Symposium (CMIS2020), which will take place May 13 – 15, 2020 in Lavaux, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, close to Lausanne/Geneva in Switzerland. The Symposium will offer intense discussions in a broad range of topics […]

EMMC17 17th European Mechanics of Materials Conference

Civil Engineering School, Madrid Campus Ciudad Universitaria, Calle del Prof. Aranguren, 3, Madrid, Spagna

The 17th European Mechanics of Materials Conference  will be held in Madrid on May 27-29, 2020, hosted by IMDEA Materials Institute and the Technical University of Madrid. The conference is the major event in Mechanics of Materials in Europe and will include plenary lectures given by scientists with an international reputation in the field as […]

EMMC17 – MS Mechanics of biological materials & biomechanics

Civil Engineering School, Madrid Campus Ciudad Universitaria, Calle del Prof. Aranguren, 3, Madrid, Spagna

Within the 17th European Mechanics of Materials Conference which will be held Madrid on May 27-29, 2020, has been organized the MiniSymposium S10: Mechanics of biological materials & biomechanics (http://www.emmc17.org/symposium-s10.html) The interested speakers are invited to submit an abstract through the website before December 3, 2019.

ArCo Conference Special Session 02 – Vulnerability of archeological heritage: analysis, modeling and preservation strategies

Università degli Studi di Firenze - Dipartimento di Architettura

Si informa che nell'ambito del 1° Convegno internazionale sulle collezioni d'arte (ArCo 2020) è stata organizzata la  Special Session 2 "Vulnerability of archeological heritage: analysis, modeling and preservation strategies".  The preservation of art collections is in some cases a priority and a challenge, especially when they are exposed to environmental actions and natural hazards. In […]

ICCS23 & MECHCOMP6 – MS Multiscale and Multiphysics Modelling for Complex Materials

FEUP - Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal , Portogallo

We announce the 14th mini-symposium Multiscale and Multiphysics Modelling for Complex Materials, which is being organized within the 23rd International Conference on Composite Structures & 6thInternational Conference on Mechanics of Composites (ICCS23 & MECHCOMP6). Organizers: Patrizia Trovalusci Eduard Rohan Nicholas Fantuzzi Egidio Lofrano - dates and venue:  June 15-18, 2020, FEUP - Faculty of Engineering, University […]

EURODYN 2020 Two Minisymposia

Athens , Grecia

The XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics EURODYN 2020 will take place on June 22-24, 2020, in Athens, Greece. The following Mini-symposia are organized: MS# 27: Stochastic Dynamics and Reliability Analysis of Structural and Mechanical Systems under Environmental Excitations Organizers: Michele Barbato (UC Davis) and Marcello Vasta (University of Chieti-Pescara "G. D'Annunzio") MS#28: Uncertainties on […]