I soci della SISCo possono chiedere la pubblicazione di annunci di eventi ed altre iniziative utilizzando l’apposito modulo disponibile nell’area riservata socio previa autenticazione mediante le proprie credenziali.

ICSA2019 – 4th International Conference on Structures and Architecture

Lisbona Lisbon, Portogallo

The 4th International Conference on Structures and Architecture will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, July 24-26, 2019. This is the world's leading and largest global conference bridging the gap between Structures and Architecture. The contributions on creative and scientific aspects in the conception and construction of structures, on advanced technologies and on complex architectural and […]

ICSA2019 – Special Session Shell structures under vibration

Lisbona Lisbon, Portogallo

Dear Colleague, we are delighted to invite you to submit an Abstract for the Special Session Shell structures under vibration. We will organize this session at the next ICSA 2019 - 4th International Conference on Structures and Architecture, that will be held July 24-26th 2019, LISBON, Portugal. The abstract submission deadline is March 31st 2018. […]

COMPLAS – ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Plasticity

Barcelona , Spagna

COMPLAS 2019 is one of the Thematic Conferences of the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS) and an International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM) Special Interest Conference. As all the previous editions, COMPLAS 2019 will be held in Barcelona, Spain, on September 3-5 2019, Call are open for the conference, with extended […]

XXIV Congresso AIMETA 2019

Sapienza Università di Roma - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Via Eudossiana, 18, Roma, RM, Italia

Il XXIV Congresso Nazionale AIMETA si terra' presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale dell'Universita' di Roma La Sapienza dal 15 al 10 Settembre 2019.  Il programma definitivo è disponibile al seguente link: https://easychair.org/smart-program/AIMETA2019/ La registrazione avrà inizio domenica 15 settembre dalle ore 18:00. Achille Paolone Antonio Carcaterra Il Presidente del Comitato Scientifico Giorgio […]

CIVIL-COMP-OPTI 2019 Fifth International Conference on Soft Computing and Optimization in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering

Riva Del Garda Congress Centre Riva del Garda, Italia

The CIVIL-COMP-OPTI 2019, The Fifth International Conference on Soft Computing and Optimization in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, will take place on 16-19 September 2019 at the Riva Del Garda Congress Centre, Lake Garda, Italy. Abstract submission deadline: May 5, 2019

7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Mechanical Response of Composites, Composites 2019

Girona , Spagna

First announcement for the 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Mechanical Response of Composites, Composites 2019. This conference is hosted by the University of Girona, Spain from the 18th to 20th September 2019. Initial deadlines: 17th January 2019 for Abstracts  27th June 2019 for Papers. Conference topics are listed on the conference website. A full first […]

ECCOMAS MSF – Multi-scale Computational Methods for Solid and Fluids 2019

Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Eccomas MSF 2019, 4th International Conference on Multi-scale Computational Methods for Solid and Fluids, will take place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. A short course on Current Research on Solids & Fluids - Computations, FE Code Coupling, Model Reduction, Probability will take place before the conference, on  September 15-17, 2019. PhD students are encouraged […]

CMCS – Computational Modeling of Complex Materials across the Scales

Glasgow , United Kingdom

The international ECCOMAS Thematic Conference Computational Modeling of Complex Materials across the Scales (CMCS) will take place on 1-4 October 2019 in Glasgow, UK. The objective of CMCS is to elucidate cutting-edge developments in multi-scale computational modelling of complex materials, possessing distinct fine-scale structure and/or exhibiting coupled phenomena. Particular emphasis is on emergent coarse-scale behaviour due to […]

Form and Force 2019 – IASS Symposium 2019 – Structural Membranes 2019

Barcelona , Spagna

Jount Conference: Form and Force - IASS Symposium 2019 - Structural Membranes 20197-10 October 2019, Barcelona, Spain Abstract invitation for the "Session Actual Structural Behavior of Form Found and Analytical Thin Shells" (IASS WG5) - Session Code 67NEW DEADLINE EXTENSION: This is to inform you that due to different requests, the deadline for presenting a one page abstract has been extended to March, […]