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EURODYN 2020 Minisymposium Dynamics of on- and off-shore Wind Energy Structures

Athens , Grecia

Si informa che nell'ambito di EURODYN 2020 XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics, che si svolgera' il 22-24 Giugno 2020 ad Atene, e' organizzato il Mini-Symposio MS 15 Dynamics of on- and off-shore Wind Energy Structures (WES) Le informazioni sono riportate nell'allegato.

EURODYN 2020 Minisymposium on Footbridge vibrations

Athens , Grecia

EURODYN 2020, the Eleventh European Conference on Structural Dynamics will be held in Athens, Greece, from 22 to 24 June 2020. In this context, we are organizing the Mini-Symposium MS11 on Footbridge Vibrations. Organizers: Elsa Caetano (University of Porto), Federica Tubino (University of Genoa), Peter Van den Broeck (KU Leuven), Katrien Van Nimmen (KU Leuven). […]

EURODYN 2020 Minisymposium Wind induced vibrations of slender structures and fatigue

Athens , Grecia

EURODYN 2020, the Eleventh European Conference on Structural Dynamics will be held in Athens, Greece, from 22 to 24 June 2020. Within the conference, Vincent Denoël, Francesco Foti and Federico Perotti are organizing the minisymposium MS14 Wind induced vibrations of slender structures and fatigue Abstracts can be submitted via the conference web site https://eurodyn2020.org/. Please indicate that […]


Palais des Congrès Paris 17th district, Porte Maillot, Parigi, Francia

Abstract: The MS132 will focus on new numerical schemes suited for internal erosion phenomena, and on the numerical implementation of existing analytical-based models. Contributions such as case studies or back-analyses of internal erosion experiments, via computational tools, are also welcomed. We expect that the MS will cover a wide range of numerical approaches, including from […]

WCCMXIV & ECCOMAS2020 – MS Multiscale and Multiphysics Modelling for Complex Materials

Palais des Congrès Paris 17th district, Porte Maillot, Parigi, Francia

We announce that the 15thedition of the mini-symposium on Multiscale and Multiphysics Modelling for ‘Complex Materials’ will be held within: the 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics & 8thEuropean Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (WCCMXIV & ECCOMAS2020). Organizers: Patrizia Trovalusci Eduard Rohan Nicholas Fantuzzi Egidio Lofrano - dates and venue: July 19-24 2020, Palais […]


Palais des Congrès Paris 17th district, Porte Maillot, Parigi, Francia

Si comunica che in occasione del 14th WCCM & ECCOMAS Congress 2020 è stato organizzato il minisimposio dal titolo: "UNCERTAINTY QUANTIFICATION AND PROPAGATION IN HETEROGENEOUS MATERIALS". Abstract: The uncertainty analysis of heterogeneous materials poses severe computational and modeling challenges due to the high dimensionality of uncertainty and the intricate relations among different scales. This minisymposium […]

ICTAM2020 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

Milano Congressi Via Gattamelata, Gate 14, Milano, Italy

Milano will host the 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (25th ICTAM) from 23 to 28 August 2020 in the Milano Congressi (MiCo) center. ICTAM congresses are organized under the auspices of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) and gather every four years the mechanics community from around the world. […]

Convegno GIMC-GMA-GBMA-2020 dei Gruppi AIMeTA – POSTICIPO

Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Reggio Calabria P.zza De Nava 26, Reggio Calabria

AGGIORNAMENTO: il Convegno, previsto nei giorni 9-12 settembre 2020 a Reggio Calabria, è posticipato e avrà luogo nella stessa Sede nel periodo compreso tra la seconda metà di giugno e gli inizi di luglio 2021. Allegato: Posticipo Convegno GIMC-GMA-GBMA-2020 --- Paolo Fuschi e Aurora Pisano informano della seguente iniziativa: Convegno italiano GIMC-GMA-GBMA-2020 dei Gruppi AIMETA: […]

RML2020 Resilient Materials for Life International Conference

Churchill College Cambridge, Regno Unito

The International Conference RML2020 Resilient Materials for Life will be held at the Churchill College, University of Cambridge, UK on September 14-17 2020. Infrastructure materials with self-sensing, self-healing and self- ​ adapting capabilities, and tailored materials such as ​ engineered cementitious composites are just a few ​examples of the research areas that are of interest. […]