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EURODYN 2020 Two Minisymposia

Athens , Grecia

The XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics EURODYN 2020 will take place on June 22-24, 2020, in Athens, Greece. The following Mini-symposia are organized: MS# 27: Stochastic Dynamics and Reliability […]

EURODYN 2020 Minisymposium on Footbridge vibrations

Athens , Grecia

EURODYN 2020, the Eleventh European Conference on Structural Dynamics will be held in Athens, Greece, from 22 to 24 June 2020. In this context, we are organizing the Mini-Symposium MS11 […]


Palais des Congrès Paris 17th district, Porte Maillot, Parigi, Francia

Abstract: The MS132 will focus on new numerical schemes suited for internal erosion phenomena, and on the numerical implementation of existing analytical-based models. Contributions such as case studies or back-analyses […]

WCCMXIV & ECCOMAS2020 – MS Multiscale and Multiphysics Modelling for Complex Materials

Palais des Congrès Paris 17th district, Porte Maillot, Parigi, Francia

We announce that the 15thedition of the mini-symposium on Multiscale and Multiphysics Modelling for ‘Complex Materials’ will be held within: the 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics & 8thEuropean Congress on Computational […]

Convegno GIMC-GMA-GBMA-2020 dei Gruppi AIMeTA – POSTICIPO

Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Reggio Calabria P.zza De Nava 26, Reggio Calabria

AGGIORNAMENTO: il Convegno, previsto nei giorni 9-12 settembre 2020 a Reggio Calabria, è posticipato e avrà luogo nella stessa Sede nel periodo compreso tra la seconda metà di giugno e […]