Martedi 18 settembre 2018 alle ore 11.00 presso l’Aula Multimediale del Laboratorio di Strutture il Prof. Russell Goodall dell’Università di Sheffield terrà un seminario dal titolo “Material Structures: Metal Foams, Microlattices, and some Microstructures”.
Engineers have always been concerned about how processing influences material structures on a small scale, and how this influences properties. Recent developments in processing, such as the range of 3D printing (or additive manufacturing) techniques that are available for metals, have vastly increased the range of structures that can be realised and the aspects of structure that need to be considered. This talk will introduce some of these methods, and give some examples of their use for the processing of complex metal structures containing free volume, either randomly in the form of a metallic foam, or organised in a lattice structure. Assessment of the mechanical behaviour of these materials reveals some of the structural aspects at different scales that are important in these processes.
Al link allegato si possono trovare dei brevi video che descrivono alcune attrezzature per la stampa 3d in materiali metallici in uso presso il gruppo di ricerca coordinato dal Prof. Goodall.