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Lake Como International Summer School “Mechanics of active soft materials: experiments, theory, numerics, and applications”

Luglio 1 - Luglio 5

Lake Como School of Advanced Studies – International Summer School “Mechanics of active soft materials: experiments, theory, numerics, and applications”, Villa del Grumello (Como), 01-05 July 2024

Info at: https://star.lakecomoschool.org/

This school aims at creating a bridge between mechanics, chemistry, and physics to educate future scientists in the novel and fast-growing scientific framework of active soft matter. Particularly, lectures will introduce the participants to fundamental notions of solid, computational, ad experimental mechanics for these materials, also tackling recent and underdeveloped aspects related to the use of artificial intelligence and to fracture issues. The participants will be then introduced to the most used representative classes of materials and to numerous innovative application fields.

Hands-on sessions, best project and best poster award sessions are scheduled.

Attendees may submit a contribution to the Special Issue https://shorturl.at/bsQYZ



Luglio 1
Luglio 5
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Luglio 5
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