Avviso per una borsa di dottorato D.M. 1061/2021 presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale (DICEA) dell’Università di Firenze sul tema: “Offshore wind energy: advanced computational models for the simulation of large floating turbines for the Mediterranean Sea”.
The research will be focused on computational methods for the nonlinear dynamics of platform and mooring lines and on their interaction with fully nonlinear waves.

Scadenza: 25/10/2021

Maggiori informazioni e bando: https://www.unifi.it/p12104

Several positions as full time research associates are available in the field of Computational Mechanics (tire- pavement interaction, elastomeric structures, concrete-, asphalt-, wood-, snow-modelling)

Deadline: 31 December 2021

Announcement: Dresden_job_offer

Presso il Dipartimento di Architettura dell’università Roma Tre  è stata bandita una posizione di RTDa nel SSD ICAR08.

Il link al bando manda all’Albo Pretorio di Ateneo ( http://www.albopretorionline.it/uniroma/alboente.aspx ) e la scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è il 20/10/2021.

Il titolo del progetto cui il bando fa riferimento è : “Gli insediamenti abitativi e la desalinizzazione dell’acqua: una risposta nelle membrane nanostrutturate”. Il triennio di riferimento è 2022-2024 con presa di servizio il 1/1/2022.

Luciano Rosati segnala il Bando per l’ammissione al Corso di Perfezionamento in “Ingegneria peri Beni Culturali” – a.a. 2021/2022, organizzato dal Centro Interdipartimentale di Ingegneria per i Beni Culturali (CIBeC) dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”.


Roberto Fedele informa della disponibilità di una borsa di dottorato sul tema: “Advanced registration methods for X-ray tomography medical images”.

Si cerca un candidato/a di alto profilo, con laurea magistrale in ingegneria, fisica, matematica o informatica.

Scadenza: 31/12/2021

Allegato: Avviso_BorsaINPS_Fedele_Politecnico


Elio Sacco segnala la seguente posizione di dottorato presso la RWTH Aachen University (Germania).

We are urgently looking for a new PhD student for the Project XS-Meta ESR 5: Multiscale modeling of metamaterials.

XS-Meta is an Innovative European Training Network project, which involves 11 interdisciplinary partners from 7 different countries. The project deals with the material-structure design of high-technology structural systems, using functionally graded 3D-printed metamaterials. Thus, the use of the metal 3D printing technology should enable a change in paradigm in engineering structural design to develop a new generation of high-performance components. Therefore, XS-Meta addresses the problem at different scales, from the microstructure to the continuum-based engineering design of industrial components.

The objectives of our project are (1) the development of a homogenization RVE framework to extract the homogenized metamaterial properties applied to different discrete unit cell metamaterials; (2) the development of surrogate models equivalent to the RVE behavior; (3) the incorporation of that framework in FEM software and the analysis of different metamaterial families.

Our job advertisement is addressed to students in the field of mechanics,

  • who have not spent more than 12 months in Germany in the last 3 years. This excludes holidays and people with refugee status;
  • whose master‘s degree was obtained no longer than 4 years ago.

Further details on the scientific program and additional information can be found under the following link:


We would be very grateful if you could forward the job advertisement to interested students.

Thank you very much and with best regards,

Stefanie Reese
Tim Brepols
Johanna Waimann

Professor Jan Zeman is searching for a post-doc candidate with an interest in the development of quasi-continuum methods.

Call details are available at  https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/665852

The deadline is 31 Aug 2021.

Alberto Salvadori segnala la posizione di dottorato “Modeling and simulations of mechanical degradation in Li-ion batteries” presso UNIBS in collaborazione con un importante centro di ricerca internazionale.

Per ulteriori dettagli consultare l’allegato adv o il sito internet: https://m4lab.unibs.it/Li-ion.html

Francisco Montans informa della disponibilita` di 14 borse di dottorato nell’ambito del progetto H2020-MSCA-ITN project XS-Meta.

Ulteriori dettagli sono disponibili nell’allegato: Job_posting1_XSMETA_v3

Angelo Luongo segnala l’apertura di un bando per Postdoctoral Fellowship in Structural Mechanics presso l’Università degli Studi dell’Aquila.

Applicants must hold a PhD degree or an equivalent qualification. The research grant is awarded for one year (with possibility of renewal) and its yearly amount is € 24.000,00 gross. The competition announcement is published from July 5th, 2021 at https://www.univaq.it/section.php?id=766.

The application must be submitted through the online form available at https://pica.cineca.it by July 19th, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. (Central European Time).

Ulteriori informazioni / Further information: Postdoc Fellowship at L’Aquila.