The call for applications to the Second Level Master “UCCRN-EDU – Climate Resilient  Urban Design” is online at the following link:

The master is linked to the Erasmus+ KA220 project UCCRN_edu – Climate Resilient Design, Planning and Governance of Cities, and offers a series of international mobility and traineeship opportunities. More info can be found here .

The deadline is quite tight (9 December 2022) since the master is expected to start on January 16th 2023, but the application procedure is extremely simple.

Feel free to send an email to or to for any needed clarification.

Three PhD and Research Scholarships are available in the Advanced Joining Processes Unit (AJPU) of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP):

1) PhD Scholarship under the project SmartEcoStruct
Title: A smart and eco-friendly adhesively bonded structure for the next generation mobility platforms

2) Research Scholarship under the project ToughJoint
Title: Development of new hybrid adhesive joints with high performance composite substrates

3) Research Scholarship under the project ToughJoint
Title: Performance of hybrid adhesive joints under fatigue loads

The deadline for applications is 9 December 2022.

Si segnala un assegno di ricerca di durata annuale, rinnovabile.

Research objectives:
Carbon Nano Tube (CNT) based composites have found numerous multifunctional applications thanks to their capability to serve as reinforcing, lightweighting agents and a material platform for electrostatic discharging, electromagnetic interference shielding, radar absorbing, mechanical/chemical sensing, energy harvesting, flame retardation. The aim of the research project is to develop theoretical models, corroborated by experimental measurements, to optimize the multifunctional role of CNT-based components in the form of beams, plates and shells, for structural applications. This research is in collaboration with Rice University, TX, USA.

Il bando è contenuto nell’allegato:


Il bando è inoltre disponibile al link:

La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è il 15/12/2022.



Data-driven computing is becoming a new paradigm in several scientific fields with a tremendous impact on new technologies. In solid mechanics, the availability of large volumes of data through modern experimental techniques is enabling machine learning methods to open new perspectives in material modelling. In the framework of the research activities of Spoke 7 “Materials & Molecular Sciences” of the National Centre for HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing, the present PhD project will be focused on the development and implementation of unsupervised data-driven techniques to automatically discover constitutive laws hidden in large volumes of data. Unsupervised approaches require no stress data. Therefore, the methods will have to rely only on full-field displacements and global reaction forces data. The project aims at developing these approaches for materials with complex behaviour, such as rate-dependent, shape memory, temperature-responsive, etc.

Additional information in the enclosed attachment or in the website:

For additional information, please contact
– Enzo Marino ( for scientific related questions
– INDICEE Secretariat ( for administrative issues


The PhD research activity will be carried out within the project “A new efficient and accurate isogeometric analysis approach to the simulation of shape-changing artery stents—towards patient-tailored 4D printed stents”. The project, carried out in collaboration with DIEF and DMSC of the University of Florence in the framework of the Tuscany Health Ecosystem THE, aims to develop an innovative process to simulate, optimize and print (4D Printing) patient-tailored cardiovascular stents. Recent computational techniques based on isogeometric analysis (IGA) turned out to be, for a given accuracy level, exceptionally faster than existing methodologies based on the standard finite element method in simulating the structural behaviour of such systems. In this context, the objective of the research is to develop an efficient computational model based on IGA for structural systems with complex geometries able to simulate the shape-changing process required for the personalization of the device.

Application deadline: Novembre, 10 2022, 12:00


– Enzo Marino ( for scientific related questions
– INDICEE Secretariat ( for administrative issues

For additional information, see the attachment  or visit the website:

Andrea Nobili segnala la disponibilità di un assegno annuale di I fascia per lo studio della risposta strutturale di materiali complessi (poroelastici, compositi, NEMS) che incorporano una lunghezza caratteristica interna, sviluppando modelli variazionali adeguati e quindi ricercandone soluzioni approssimate (nel senso di soluzioni limite o asintotiche), esatte e/o numeriche per applicazioni industriali.

Termine di presentazione delle domande: ore 13:00 del 2/11/2022

Allegato: bando

Maggiori informazioni all’indirizzo:

I colleghi Pier Paolo Rossi e Nino Spinella segnalano lo Special Issue ” Existing Bridges: From Inspection to Structural Rehabilitation” della rivista open-access “Applied Sciences” (ISSN 2076-3417, IF 2.838, CiteScore™ 3.7) di MDPI.

Lo Special Issue si propone come contenitore dei risultati della ricerca recentemente svolta o in corso di svolgimento nell’ambito di diversi progetti di ricerca sul tema dei ponti esistenti. L’interesse dello Special Issue è nei confronti di tutte le attività svolte al fine di monitorare, valutare e migliorare la sicurezza strutturale dei ponti nei confronti delle varie azioni che su di essi possono esercitarsi.

La scadenza per la sottomissione degli articoli è il 30 Novembre 2023.

Il sito dello Special Issue è

MDPI si è offerto disponibile a rinunciare a qualsiasi tassa di pubblicazione per un congruo numero di articoli da pubblicare sullo Special Issue in oggetto. Non essendo, tuttavia, illimitato il numero di articoli con sconto pari al 100%, si invita a manifestare il proprio interesse alla sottomissione al più presto possibile scrivendo a  oppure

affinché possano fare richiesta ad Applied Sciences di uno degli sconti concessi.

Si allega un file con la descrizione degli argomenti previsti per lo special issue.


The Institute of Mechanical Engineering invites applications for two faculty positions at the level of tenure track Assistant Professors in the fields of Sustainable Manufacturing and Biomechanics.

Formal evaluation of candidates will begin on December 1st, 2022.

More information in the enclosed attachment:



Alessandro Palmieri segnala due posizioni attualmente disponibili presso il gruppo di ricerca del Prof Nicos Makris, Addy Family Centennial Professor in Civil Engineering presso la SMU, Southern Methodist University, in Dallas, Texas:

  1. Post-doctoral fellowship (open theme);
  2. PhD in Structural Mechanics/Dynamics.
I candidati interessati possono contattare direttamente il Prof Makris (email:

Il Prof. Davide BIGONI segnala la disponibilità di una Borsa di dottorato sul tema “New loadings for structural elements and homogenization of elastic periodic materials”.

Per maggiori informazioni:

La scadenza per l’invio delle domande è il 25 agosto 2022.