A post-doctoral research assistant (PDRA) position is available for a 2-year term with possible extension (depending on funding and performance) under the guidance of Professor Alain Goriely in Oxford UK.
Bando Eni Award 2019 – Premio Giovane Ricercatore dell’Anno
Il Premio Giovane Ricercatore dell’Anno è un Premio destinato a dottorandi e dottori di ricerca che abbiano conseguito o conseguiranno il loro titolo di studio in un ateneo italiano nel corso del 2017 o del 2018. Le candidature presentate devono riguardare temi relativi ai settori energetico e ambientale. Inoltre, per quanto riguarda i requisiti anagrafici, la partecipazione è consentita solamente a ricercatori che siano nati nel 1986 e negli anni successivi.
Bando ufficiale 2019 per la sezione Premio Giovane Ricercatore dell’Anno (English version).
Per ulteriori approfondimenti sull’Edizione 2019 e per la versione integrale del bando: https://www.eni.com/enipedia/it_IT/modello-di-business/premi-e-riconoscimenti/bando-eni-award-2019.page
La scadenza per la registrazione dell’account necessario alla presentazione della candidatura, è fissata per venerdì 9 novembre 2018 entro e non oltre le ore 17.00 CET, mentre la procedura di candidatura potrà essere conclusa durante le due settimane successive (non oltre venerdì 23 novembre 2018 alle ore 17.00 CET).
Arteries are known to have strongly-corrugated lumen. This is readily evident from histology images of the internal elastic lamina (IEL), which usually appears as a heavily-wrinkled layer. The overall goal of this research is to elucidate the biomechanics of such arterial corrugations.
The ideal candidate will have a strong background in the biomechanical modeling of tissues, expertise in selecting suitable constitutive equations, and in FEM modeling of complex geometries. Expertise with ANSYS or ABAQUS, or expertise with the specific biomechanics of arteries, would be great assets. The post-doctoral fellow will collaborate with experimental researchers, create simulation geometries from experimental images of arteries, and simulate these geometries under desired loading conditions.
The initial appointment will be for a 1 year duration, with the possibility of an extension. Interested candidates should email prof. Sachin Velankar (velankar@pitt.edu)
Note: Reference for the Continuum Mechanics aspects of this research
Prof. Luca Deseri (lud7@pitt.edu, luca.deseri@unitn.it)
PhD Contract: Identification of service loads in structures
The Technical University of Catalonia BarcelonaTech, UPC, Barcelona, is looking for good graduate students able to access a PhD program (holding or about to hold a master degree) to be hired through a competitive grant dealing with structural system identification (approx 16400 €/year before taxes). English, programming skills (Matlab) and knowledge of structures and structural dynamics are advisable. See pdf file attached.
Prof. José Turmo (jose.turmo@upc.edu)
Si segnalano due posizioni PhD aperte a TU Delft
Prof. Pierpaolo Belardinelli (pbelardi@mta01.univpm.it)
The University of Minho will be opening very soon a PhD grant on Computational strategies for masonry structures subjected to high temperatures within the Marie Curie Project ATHOR (http://www.etn-athor.eu/).
The PhD will address couple structural nonlinear mechanics with the thermo- and chemo-fields including viscosity effects for micro- and macro-models based on FE methods.
The final objectives are: a) validate macro-models for different masonry bonds; b) define performance charters for the different masonry bonds, based on advanced micro-models. The models will be implemented in a commercial software, allowing its use by the industrial partners.
At the time of selection by University of Minho, the researcher must not have resided or carried out their main activity in Portugal for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to his/her recruitment. The salary (before taxes) will be in the order of 1.800 euros per month (14 months/year).
If you are interested in this position, please contact asap Dr. Miguel Azenha (miguel.azenha@civil.uminho.pt) for further interaction and information about the release of the official call.
Prof. Paulo B. Lourenço
Fully Funded PhD Scholarship Experimental Investigations and Modelling of the Anisotropic Viscoelastic behaviours of Soft Tissues (Joint PhD)
Prof. Massimiliano Gei (GeiM@cardiff.ac.uk)

Comunicazioni del presidente
- Premio per la ricerca Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel17 Febbraio 2025 - 18:53
- Festività17 Febbraio 2025 - 18:51
- Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (Asce)17 Febbraio 2025 - 18:50
- Commissioni e Gruppi di Lavoro triennio 2024-202717 Ottobre 2024 - 17:22
Assemblea Generale del 23 gennaio 20245 Dicembre 2023 - 9:54