The School of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Glasgow seeks to appoint up to two one-year lectureships in Applied Mathematics. The appointees with be expected to engage in research and actively contribute to teaching, as well as undertaking relevant administration within the School of Mathematics and Statistics.
Please contact Dr.Raimondo Penta (
More information in the enclosed flyer.
Giuseppe Lacidogna informa che e’ aperta una call for papers per la Special Issue “Nondestructive Testing” (NDT) per la quale opera come Guest Editor.
Gli articoli accettati, dopo una normale procedura di peer review, saranno pubblicati sulla rivista open access “Applied Sciences”, indicizzata Scopus (ISSN 2076-3417; IF 2.217,
I dettagli sulla Special Issue sono disponibili al seguente link:
The Department of Applied Physics of KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden is looking for a PhD Student. The project is a collaboration with the Department of Mechanics for developing multi-scale methods to study structured surfaces and heat transfer. The candidate will investigate the stability and dynamics of the three-phase contact line under non-equilibrium conditions using molecular dynamics simulations. The group also hosts the main part of the development team for the popular GROMACS open source molecular simulation package, which will be used in these studies. Deadline: July 8 2019.
More details and how to apply at:
Angelo Luongo informa che è aperta una call for papers per lo Special Issue “Homogenization Methods in Materials and Structures” [Applied Sciences] (ISSN 2076-3417; IF 1.689)”, indicizzato Scopus, edito da Angelo Luongo, Francesco dell’Isola, Giuseppe Piccardo, Daniele Zulli, Francesco D’Annibale, Manuel Ferretti. La rivista chiede il pagamento di una fee (dettagli nell’allegato).
We inform about the possibility of Post-Doc on
Mechanical metamaterials and enriched continua
at INSA-Lyon, GEOMAS Laboratory, see the attached document for details.
The position is immediately available and the hiring can be postponed until beginning of September at the latest.
Professor Angela Madeo
The Multiscale Modeling and Simulation MSME lab (MSME UMR 8208 CNRS) of the university Paris-Est offers a PhD scholarship in the domain of mechanics of materials.
The proposed subject concerns the modeling of fracture propagation in complex random media (i.e. materials whose mesoscopic properties are heterogeneous and described by a random tensor-valued field). The key issues are: (1) propagating the uncertainty from the micro- to the meso-scale; and (2) solving inverse statistical problems.
Interested candidates should have some knowledge of theory of probability and be able/interested in developing numerical codes.
For more information, please contact prof Christophe Desceliers ( who will supervise the PhD candidate.
The selected candidate will have to make an oral presentation on June 5, 2019.
Interested candidates should apply ASAP in order to go through all the application steps at best.
Please, feel free to forward this announcement to anyone who would find it of interest.
Vittorio Sansalone

Comunicazioni del presidente
- Premio per la ricerca Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel17 Febbraio 2025 - 18:53
- Festività17 Febbraio 2025 - 18:51
- Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (Asce)17 Febbraio 2025 - 18:50
- Commissioni e Gruppi di Lavoro triennio 2024-202717 Ottobre 2024 - 17:22
Assemblea Generale del 23 gennaio 20245 Dicembre 2023 - 9:54