The Department of Applied Physics of KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden is looking for a PhD Student. The project is a collaboration with the Department of Mechanics for developing multi-scale methods to study structured surfaces and heat transfer. The candidate will investigate the stability and dynamics of the three-phase contact line under non-equilibrium conditions using molecular dynamics simulations. The group also hosts the main part of the development team for the popular GROMACS open source molecular simulation package, which will be used in these studies. Deadline: July 8 2019.
More details and how to apply at:
Angelo Luongo informa che è aperta una call for papers per lo Special Issue “Homogenization Methods in Materials and Structures” [Applied Sciences] (ISSN 2076-3417; IF 1.689)”, indicizzato Scopus, edito da Angelo Luongo, Francesco dell’Isola, Giuseppe Piccardo, Daniele Zulli, Francesco D’Annibale, Manuel Ferretti. La rivista chiede il pagamento di una fee (dettagli nell’allegato).
We inform about the possibility of Post-Doc on
Mechanical metamaterials and enriched continua
at INSA-Lyon, GEOMAS Laboratory, see the attached document for details.
The position is immediately available and the hiring can be postponed until beginning of September at the latest.
Professor Angela Madeo
The Multiscale Modeling and Simulation MSME lab (MSME UMR 8208 CNRS) of the university Paris-Est offers a PhD scholarship in the domain of mechanics of materials.
The proposed subject concerns the modeling of fracture propagation in complex random media (i.e. materials whose mesoscopic properties are heterogeneous and described by a random tensor-valued field). The key issues are: (1) propagating the uncertainty from the micro- to the meso-scale; and (2) solving inverse statistical problems.
Interested candidates should have some knowledge of theory of probability and be able/interested in developing numerical codes.
For more information, please contact prof Christophe Desceliers ( who will supervise the PhD candidate.
The selected candidate will have to make an oral presentation on June 5, 2019.
Interested candidates should apply ASAP in order to go through all the application steps at best.
Please, feel free to forward this announcement to anyone who would find it of interest.
Vittorio Sansalone
The EUROMECH Council invites active researchers to submit a proposal for an EUROMECH Colloquium.
Running a colloquium is a particularly valuable experience for colleagues who have been involved in an emerging field during a few years and are willing to gather the corresponding community in order to review recent advances and discuss future research directions.
Colloquia do not need a heavy organization, as the size is typically 40-50 participants, with no formal proceedings. EUROMECH provides a financial support of 2,500 € to each colloquium.
The submission page is open for Colloquia planned for 2020 and 2021.
Please access the submission page at
We are looking for a PhD student at the Department of Applied Physics of KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. The project is a collaboration with the Department of Mechanics for developing multi-scale methods to study structured surfaces and heat transfer.
The candidate will investigate the stability and dynamics of the three-phase contact line under non-equilibrium conditions using molecular dynamics simulations. The group also hosts the main part of the development team for the popular GROMACS open source molecular simulation package, which will be used in these studies. Deadline: March 18 2019.
More details and how to apply at:
Presso il DICEAA-Univ dell’Aquila saranno a breve disponibili N. 2 posizioni di Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato lettera A, per il SSD ICAR/08-Scienza delle Costruzioni, a valere su fondi PON-AIM, acquisiti su base competitiva.
I bandi saranno riservati a studiosi che abbiano conseguito il titolo di dottore di ricerca non prima del 27/02/2014 e non dopo il 27/02/2018.
Le attività scientifiche dei due ricercatori sono illustrate in allegato.
I Colleghi interessati a segnalare potenziali candidati in possesso dei requisiti, sono pregati di mettersi al più presto in contatto con Angelo Luongo, cell 334.6175371
Comunicazioni del presidente
- Commissioni e Gruppi di Lavoro triennio 2024-202717 Ottobre 2024 - 17:22
- Assemblea Generale del 23 gennaio 20245 Dicembre 2023 - 9:54
- Solidarietà alla Prof.ssa Francesca Rescigno dell’Università di Bologna26 Giugno 2023 - 18:37
- Scomparsa del prof. Marcello Pignataro26 Agosto 2022 - 16:50
- Canale YouTube della SISCo10 Febbraio 2022 - 9:46