È indetta una procedura selettiva pubblica, per titoli e colloquio per l’attribuzione di n. 1 incarico per lo svolgimento di attività di ricerca di categoria B Tipologia I (Responsabile scientifico: prof. Andrea Arena) della durata di 12 mesi per il settore scientifico-disciplinare CEAR-06/A, settore concorsuale 08/CEAR-06 – SCIENZA DELLE COSTRUZIONI relativo al seguente progetto di ricerca:
Valorizzazione e tutela delle aree colpite dal sisma del 2016 e delle relative risorse da svolgere presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica dell’Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”. Attività di ricerca: Valorizzazione e tutela delle risorse e delle aree colpite dal sisma del 2016 mediante l’applicazione di approcci di ricerca multidisciplinari, volti anche a valorizzare l’offerta formativa del Polo universitario di Rieti.

L’importo lordo annuo è stabilito in €. 24.320,00 al lordo degli oneri a carico del beneficiario.

Scadenza: 20 gennaio 2025



A research fellow position is available at University of Pavia in Italy starting March 2025.

Objectives: The goal of this research program is three-fold: (i) constitutive modeling of stimuli-responsive; (ii) computational methods for the simulation and topology optimization of structures based on these materials; (iii) application of the developed models to the design of systems for the soft actuation, solar tracking, and energy harvesting fields. The interested candidate will have the possibility to run specific experiments on 4D printed samples to validate numerical results. This research is in collaboration with University of Trento and University of Naples Federico II.

Italian call: https://alboufficiale.unipv.it/files/005583096-UNPVCLE-6f0596a9-fda0-4d6e-b917-ed4e0c322634-000.pdf

English call: https://alboufficiale.unipv.it/files/005583096-UNPVCLE-6f0596a9-fda0-4d6e-b917-ed4e0c322634-001.pdf

Deadline: January 30, 2025 at 12 pm.

Duration: the contract will be one year and is renewable based on performances.

Salary: the gross amount is € 19.367,00, inclusive of all the taxes to be borne by the recipient, and compatible with living costs in Italy (medical care is free).

Location: Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Pavia, via Ferrata 3, 27100 Pavia, Italy.

More information: contact giulia.scalet@unipv.it

Website: https://alboufficiale.unipv.it/

I  gruppi AIMETA di Biomeccanica (GBMA), Meccanica Computazionale (GIMC) e Meccanica dei Materiali (GMA), hanno il piacere di comunicare alla comunità SISCo le seguenti iniziative:
    • 1st Hellenic-Italian Conference on Computational Mechanics, Biomechanics and Mechanics of Materials (1st HICOMP Conference); 19-21 giugno 2025, Rodi (Grecia). L’evento è organizzato congiuntamente dalla Greek Association of Computational Mechanics (GRACM) e dai tre gruppi AIMETA GBMA, GIMC e GMA, sotto gli auspici della National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). Per maggiori informazioni, vi invitiamo a visitare il sito web ufficiale del convegno: https://hicomp2025.org/
Giovanni Garcea, coordinatore GIMC
Massimiliano Fraldi, coordinatore GMA
Giuseppe Vairo, coordinatore GBMA

This project aims to comprehensively understand granular behavior within multiscale processes, spanning from structural development in the seismogenic zone (accretionary prism) to earthquake occurrence via fault movement. This work employs a numerical rock box simulation model based on the discrete element method (DEM). We solicit a Project Researcher (II) or Postdoctoral Researcher to analyze data from DEM simulations, focusing on developing stress fields within granular bodies, excitation of elastic waves during fracture events, wave propagation, and conducting seismological interpretations of these phenomena.
Regarding the methodology, network analysis of stress chains and a tessellation-based method, currently under development by our team, may be used. However, the approach will be flexibly adjusted based on the applicant’s expertise and experience.

Deadline: 22/12/2024


Ref. Ettore Barbieri (e.barbieri@jamstec.go.jp)

We are recruiting a Researcher to engage in the following areas (but not limited to):

(1) Research and development related to data analysis of macro-micro processes involved in the transport phenomena of heat, matter, energy, and momentum in Marine-Earth science.
(2) Development of a theoretical framework to analyze consistently a series of phenomena, from the fundamental processes of cloud formation and development to macroscale airflow.
(3) Development of data analysis methods to elucidate spatiotemporal hierarchical structures hidden in the output of ultra-high-resolution numerical simulations and observational/experimental data in Marine-Earth science.

Deadline: 22/12/2024


Ref. Ettore Barbieri (e.barbieri@jamstec.go.jp)

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Department of Mechanical Engineering (MechE) in Cambridge, MA seeks candidates for tenure-track faculty positions starting July 1, 2025.

Candidates must hold an earned Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering or a related field by the start date of employment.

Additional details attached.



The course is delivered to the PhD students of Trento University and of Politecnico di Milano, but is open to all other interested PhD students (and only PhD students, which means no Professors, no Master Students) in Italy and abroad. Classes will be delivered online by Anna Pandolfi in the period November 7 – November 14, 2024.


Supervisor: Véronique LAZARUS (veronique.lazarus@ensta-paris.fr)
Hosting: IMSIA (ENSTA Paris/Department of Mechanics and Energetics IP Paris)

Candidate profile: Master 2 level student in physics, material or mechanical engineering. Some knowledge
in fracture mechanics and a taste for physics will be appreciated.

Application procedure: Candidates should send a Curriculum Vitae and references to




The Italian historical and monumental built heritage, which represents an enormous socio-cultural and economic asset, is mostly comprised of buildings with load-bearing masonry structures. As is well known, the mechanical characteristics of this material depend on several factors, including the properties of the constituent materials, the brickwork, the quality of the structural connections, etc. However, its most peculiar characteristic is the low tensile strength compared to the compressive one. This often leads to buildings being vulnerable to applied forces, particularly seismic actions. Therefore, the analysis and development of specific intervention procedures are proposed, based on the use of composite and other innovative materials, to mitigate vulnerability of masonry structures. The research will be carried out through specific experimental investigations as well as the development of appropriate predictive models.

Deadline: 12/07/2024 @ 12.00


Ref.: Mario Fagone, mario.fagone@unifi.it

One vacant position for a full-time university assistant (m/f/d) at the Chair of Geoenergy Production Engineering, in the Department Geoenergy – Reference ID: 2405WPH

Scadenza: 19/07/24



Rif. Keita Yoshioka <keita.yoshioka@unileoben.ac.at>, Roberto Alessi <roberto.alessi@unipi.it>