Si informa che sul sito dell’Universita’ G. d’Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara  e’ stato pubblicato un bando per assegni di ricerca con scadenza il 10 settembre, che  include un assegno (il n. 2) nel ssd ICAR/08 sul tema “Modelli strutturali per la valutazione della sicurezza di edifici in muratura esistenti” (responsabile scientifico Vincenzo Sepe).

Per i dettagli si invia al link

Il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale dell’Università degli Studi di Perugia  bandisce un concorso per l’ammissione al nuovo corso di Dottorato Internazionale International Doctoral Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering” (XXXV ciclo)
La pagina web del corso è la seguente:
La scadenza per la sottomissione delle domande di ammissione è il 31 luglio 2019.
Il bando e le modalità di sottomissione delle domande si trovano al link:

PostDoctoral Position – Princeton University, Form Finding LAB
Minimum Qualifications: Doctoral degree in mechanical or civil engineering, physics or applied mathematics field, appropriate experience in computational mechanics and mechanics of slender systems, prototyping and artistic flair. Strong project management skills and a superior publication record.

For more information see the flyer.

Application: Please send your CV and cover letter to This is a 1-year position.

PhD position at University College Cork, 3 years, fees paid,and €1,500 per month
Innovative testing and analysis of load characteristics of floating Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Technologies
with Prof. Jimmy Murphy
PhD,  at UCD, School of Mathematics, 3 years, EU fees paid, and €1,500 per month.
Integration of Wave-Structure Interaction with Biological Growth on Offshore Cables Project.
with Prof. Frederic Dias
PhD position at University College Dublin, in School of Mathematics, 4 years, fees paid and € 1,500 per month, part of an ERC Advanced Grant. Topic: Local structural impact due to wave breaking, for structures, coastal protections, ships.
Prof. Frederic Dias

The School of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Glasgow seeks to appoint up to two one-year lectureships in Applied Mathematics. The appointees with be expected to engage in research and actively contribute to teaching, as well as undertaking relevant administration within the School of Mathematics and Statistics.

Please contact Dr.Raimondo Penta (

More information in the enclosed flyer.