Posizioni master / Master Opportunities
Posizioni dottorato / PhD Opportunities
- Master’s internship and PhD proposal: Experimental and/or numerical study of fatigue crack propagation in anisotropic materials13 Settembre 2024 - 19:37
- Posizioni di Dottorato – Structural consolidation interventions using innovative materials for the preservation of historical and monumental masonry buildings23 Giugno 2024 - 22:21
Perugia – Bando Corso Dottorato Internazionale
PostDoc position – Princeton University
PostDoctoral Position – Princeton University, Form Finding LAB
Minimum Qualifications: Doctoral degree in mechanical or civil engineering, physics or applied mathematics field, appropriate experience in computational mechanics and mechanics of slender systems, prototyping and artistic flair. Strong project management skills and a superior publication record.
For more information see the flyer.
Application: Please send your CV and cover letter to sadriaen@princeton.edu. This is a 1-year position.
PhD position 3 – University College Cork
PhD position 2 at University College Dublin
PhD position 1 at University College Dublin
Lecturer in Applied Mathematics – University of Glasgow
The School of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Glasgow seeks to appoint up to two one-year lectureships in Applied Mathematics. The appointees with be expected to engage in research and actively contribute to teaching, as well as undertaking relevant administration within the School of Mathematics and Statistics.
Please contact Dr.Raimondo Penta (Raimondo.Penta@glasgow.ac.uk)
More information in the enclosed flyer.
Call for paper Special Issue Applied Sciences (Open Access)
Giuseppe Lacidogna informa che e’ aperta una call for papers per la Special Issue “Nondestructive Testing” (NDT) per la quale opera come Guest Editor.
Gli articoli accettati, dopo una normale procedura di peer review, saranno pubblicati sulla rivista open access “Applied Sciences”, indicizzata Scopus (ISSN 2076-3417; IF 2.217, https://www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci)
I dettagli sulla Special Issue sono disponibili al seguente link: