Posizioni master / Master Opportunities
Posizioni dottorato / PhD Opportunities
- Master’s internship and PhD proposal: Experimental and/or numerical study of fatigue crack propagation in anisotropic materials13 Settembre 2024 - 19:37
- Posizioni di Dottorato – Structural consolidation interventions using innovative materials for the preservation of historical and monumental masonry buildings23 Giugno 2024 - 22:21
Maître de Conférences Sorbonne University
Sorbonne University (formerly Pierre & Marie Curie University) is recruiting a “Maître de Conférences” (UK Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, US Assistant/Associate Professor) in Mechanics. More specifically the research area is “Instabilities in materials and complex structures“.
This is a permanent position with a teaching load (mainly in French) of 192 hours/year, based in the Latin Quarter of Paris.
The position will be announced officially in January 2020 with a deadline around February and interviews around April 20th.
Renald Brenner (renald.brenner@sorbonne-universite.fr)
Pierre-Yves Lagrée (pierre-yves.lagree@upmc.fr)
Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Applied Mathematics at NUI Galway
Posizione RTDA Pisa
Il Colleghi Stefano Bennati e Roberto Paroni informano che è stato pubblicato dall’Università di Pisa un bando per una posizione di RTD-A per il settore ICAR/08, reperibile al seguente indirizzo:
La scadenza del bando è il 22 novembre 2019.
Doctoral Positions, TU Dresden (Germany)
The Research Training Group “Mineral-bonded composites for enhanced structural impact safety” (GRK 2250), funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) is offering eleven positions at TU Dresden, Institute of Construction Materials, starting from 01 May 2020, under the supervision of Professor Viktor Mechtcherine.
Deadline for the application 13 December 2019.
Information on the application are available in the enclosed flyer.
Faculty positions in Eindhoven
The Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Eindhoven University of Technology is seeking for outstanding faculty members at all levels and in particular the fields of Function integration in material systems and Development, optimization and behaviour of new advanced materials.
More information about the vacancies can be found here: https://jobs.tue.nl/en/vacancy/assistant-associate-full-professors-mechanics-and-materials-568951.html.
At the moment these vacancies are mainly targeting excellent female scientists. The university has set up a fellowship especially to attract highly skilled women in academics, including a substantial start-up package: https://www.tue.nl/en/working-at-tue/scientific-staff/irene-curie-fellowship/.
Doctoral position, University of Leeds (UK)
Assegno di Ricerca Universita’ di Chieti-Pescara
Si informa che sul sito dell’Universita’ G. d’Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara e’ stato pubblicato un bando per assegni di ricerca con scadenza il 10 settembre, che include un assegno (il n. 2) nel ssd ICAR/08 sul tema “Modelli strutturali per la valutazione della sicurezza di edifici in muratura esistenti” (responsabile scientifico Vincenzo Sepe).
Per i dettagli si invia al link