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WCEE2024 – TS SHM-5 “Seismic Structural Health Monitoring of Historical Structures of the 20th Century” 

Giugno 30 - Luglio 5

Within the 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering to be held in Milan from June 30 to July 5 2024, the Technical Session SHM-5 “Seismic Structural Health Monitoring of Historical Structures of the 20th Century” aims to focus on seismic structural health monitoring (SHM) applied to modern heritage structures and infrastructure.
We invite active participation in this technical session to share experiences and present studies related to the advancement of seismic structural health monitoring of historical structures and infrastructure.
Abstract submission deadline: May 31, 2023.
For further details and registration, please contact the convenors directly:
Rosario Ceravolo: rosario.ceravolo@polito.it
Francesco Romeo: francesco.romeo@uniroma1.it
Erica Lenticchia: erica.lenticchia@polito.it


Giugno 30
Luglio 5
Categoria Evento:


Rosario Ceravolo, Francesco Romeo, Erica Lenticchia


Giugno 30
Luglio 5
Categoria Evento:


Rosario Ceravolo, Francesco Romeo, Erica Lenticchia