Si segnala che il il giorno mercoledì 19 maggio 2021 alle ore 15:30 il Prof. Victor Eremeyev terrà un seminario dal titolo:
“Conservative loadings: forces, moments and beyond”
su piattaforma Microsoft Teams, al link:
The aim of the lecture is to recall some notions on the conservative and non-conservative external loadings. It is well-known that for non-conservative loadings one faces some peculiarities in instability since a dynamic criterion of instability is required. The general definition is given. Some examples are considered. A particular attention is paid to external moments. For example, it is demonstrated that a dead (constant) moment is not conservative, in general.
Tutte le persone interessate sono invitate a partecipare.
Si acclude locandina dell’evento con abstract e sintesi del CV del Prof. Eremeyev.
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Locandina:announcement lecture eremeyev