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ICSA2019 – Special Session Shell structures under vibration

24 Luglio 2019 @ 8:00 - 26 Luglio 2019 @ 17:00

Dear Colleague,

we are delighted to invite you to submit an Abstract for the Special Session Shell structures under vibration.
We will organize this session at the next ICSA 2019 – 4th International Conference on Structures and Architecture, that will be held July 24-26th 2019, LISBON, Portugal.

The abstract submission deadline is March 31st 2018. Instructions for abstract submission are available at (http://www.icsa2019.arquitectura.uminho.pt/Default.aspx?tabid=1&;pageid=60&lang=en-US).

The International Conference on Structures and Architecture is the world’s leading and largest global conference bridging the gap between Structures and Architecture.
The contributions on creative and scientific aspects in the conception and construction of structures, on advanced technologies and on complex architectural and structural applications represent a fine blend of scientific, technical and practical novelties in both fields.

Our Session Shell structures under vibration can be relevant for scientists, engineers and practitioners, involved in studies or design of shell structures in seismic areas, or mechanical shells under operational vibration conditions. Thin shells are structures generally designed under gravity loadings. Despite this fact they exhibit an impressive behaviour under dynamic loadings (e.g. earthquakes). The aim of this session is to put together researchers that study and could give a contribution in better understanding the inherent dynamic behaviour of this structures, with the purpose of improving their design under general dynamic loadings, together with the already used form finding techniques. In this view, research works where the experimental dynamic behaviour of actual shells are welcome in view of the preservation of the ancient and modern Architectural heritage.

If you have any questions regarding the session, please do not hesitate to contact us and do let us know if you are planning on submitting an abstract.
We would like to thank you in advance for taking into consideration this invitation, it will be a great honor for us to have you contribute.
Best Regards,

Session organizers
Sigrid Adriaenssens (sadriaen@princeton.edu), Princeton University, USA
Stefano Gabriele (stefano.gabriele@uniroma3.it), Roma Tre University, Italy

La conferenza in oggetto raccoglie contributi di studiosi e progettisti, e potrebbe essere una buona occasione per aprire le competenze presenti nella sisco verso ambienti in cui la modellazione e la simulazione numerica incontrano interessi professionali. Far riemergere il ruolo della Scienza delle Costruzioni nelle applicazioni avanzate e’ uno dei temi di discussione emersi nell’assemblea dello scorso 19 gennaio 2018.


24 Luglio 2019 @ 8:00
26 Luglio 2019 @ 17:00
Categoria Evento:
Sito web:


Stefano Gabriele


Lisbon, Portogallo + Google Maps


24 Luglio 2019 @ 8:00
26 Luglio 2019 @ 17:00
Categoria Evento:
Sito web:


Stefano Gabriele


Lisbon, Portogallo + Google Maps