The Italian historical and monumental built heritage, which represents an enormous socio-cultural and economic asset, is mostly comprised of buildings with load-bearing masonry structures. As is well known, the mechanical characteristics of this material depend on several factors, including the properties of the constituent materials, the brickwork, the quality of the structural connections, etc. However, its most peculiar characteristic is the low tensile strength compared to the compressive one. This often leads to buildings being vulnerable to applied forces, particularly seismic actions. Therefore, the analysis and development of specific intervention procedures are proposed, based on the use of composite and other innovative materials, to mitigate vulnerability of masonry structures. The research will be carried out through specific experimental investigations as well as the development of appropriate predictive models.

Deadline: 12/07/2024 @ 12.00

Ref.: Mario Fagone,

One vacant position for a full-time university assistant (m/f/d) at the Chair of Geoenergy Production Engineering, in the Department Geoenergy – Reference ID: 2405WPH

Scadenza: 19/07/24



Rif. Keita Yoshioka <>, Roberto Alessi <>

Modeling unstable gas infiltration through a saturated rock formation is a paramount issue in a wide range of engineering problems especially in the fields of energy storage, greenhouse gas sequestration and radioactive waste disposal.
The project aims to develop and implement a new numerical approach for multi-phase fluid flow through porous media allowing to capture complex topological changes in liquid-gas interactions as fingering,
pinching and coalescence of one phase against the other and to investigate their effects on the mechanical response of the porous skeleton.

Deadline for application: 16/04/2024



Siddhartha Ommi/Giulio Sciarra

We have a 4-year FPI fellowship for a Ph.D. and a Postdoctoral position in the area of mathematical and computational modeling of living matter. The candidates will be involved in the mathematical and computational modeling of structural and regulatory modules toward autonomous biological systems.

The candidates will be supervised by Marino Arroyo (UPC, CIMNE, IBEC) and Pablo Sáez (UPC) in the research program “Cell and tissue mechanobiology” of the LaCàN at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in Barcelona.

Application deadline: the official deadline is Oct 31st, 2023, but you are strongly encouraged to contact or as soon as possible with a presentation paragraph, a CV, and transcripts.

Starting date: Before 1 February 2024

Located in the city of Barcelona, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech (UPC) is one of the largest technical universities of the southern EU, with over 30,000 students spanning all levels from undergraduate to PhD, and employing over 2,500 faculty. Within UPC, the LaCàN research center develops new mathematical and computational models to enable quantitative and predictive science and engineering, specifically in the field of cell and tissue mechanobiology.

Marino Arroyo
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Campus Nord, C2-211b
Jordi Girona 1-3
Barcelona, 08034
Tel: +34 93 4011805

Si segnala la pubblicazione del bando per l’ammissione al XXXIX ciclo del corso di Dottorato di Ricerca dal titolo “Innovative Engineering Technologies for Industrial Sustainability – IETIS”, avente sede amministrativa presso l’Università degli Studi di Salerno.

Le posizioni bandite per l’intero corso di dottorato sono così ripartite:
a) n. 3 Borse di Ateneo;
b) n.1 Borsa di Ateneo riservata a cittadini italiani o stranieri che hanno conseguito la laurea magistrale all’estero;
c) n.7 Posti senza borsa di studio;
d) n.4 Borse Ministeriali DM 118/ ricerca PNRR;
e) n.1 Borsa Ministeriale DM 118/ per la Pubblica Amministrazione;
f) n.11 Borse Ministeriali DM 117/ cofinanziate da un’impresa;
g) n.1 Borse finanziate da progetti di ricerca.

Si evidenzia, nel merito, che alcune tematiche di ricerca vertono su argomenti di meccanica delle strutture, sia teorica che sperimentale, e tra le aziende finanziatrici delle borse industriali di cui alla lettera f) figura il CIRA – Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali.

Scadenza per la presentazione delle domande:

29/08/2023 ore 15:00


Prof. Valentino Paolo Berardi (

PhD position in Mechanics of Solids at University of Parma, Italy

There is 1 fully-funded PhD studentship (3 year bursary) available for a 1st November 2023 start.

A description of the research programme is given in the enclosed flyer.

For further details, contact Prof. Andrea Spagnoli,, +39 334 6896430.

Interested applicants should send a CV to Prof. Spagnoli, and follow this link to apply. Preferred applicants should hold a degree in Engineering with a major in Solid and Structural Mechanics.

Deadline for application 3rd August 2023.


Si segnala la pubblicazione del Bando per l’accesso al Dottorato Nazionale Heritage Science (DNHS), unitamente ad altri Dottorati Nazionali con sede Amministrativa in Sapienza al seguente link: