
Assegno di ricerca sul tema: “Structural applications of innovative elements based on carbon nanotube fibers”

Si segnala un assegno di ricerca di durata annuale, rinnovabile.

Research objectives:
Carbon Nano Tube (CNT) based composites have found numerous multifunctional applications thanks to their capability to serve as reinforcing, lightweighting agents and a material platform for electrostatic discharging, electromagnetic interference shielding, radar absorbing, mechanical/chemical sensing, energy harvesting, flame retardation. The aim of the research project is to develop theoretical models, corroborated by experimental measurements, to optimize the multifunctional role of CNT-based components in the form of beams, plates and shells, for structural applications. This research is in collaboration with Rice University, TX, USA.

Il bando è contenuto nell’allegato:


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La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è il 15/12/2022.